Ultra Low Witcher 3

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NexusMod user Hasukiii, created a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that makes the game playable on low spec systems. Although it does cause the otherwise gorgeous game, to look quite bad. On a low end GPU such as the AMD Radeon HD 5770 there was around 50 fps in the forest and around 30+ frames in Novigard.' Download Nexusmod for Witcher 3. Download here; Place files in UsersUserNameDocumentsThe Witcher 3. Witcher 3 Ultra Low is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by Hasukiii.

Other The Witcher 3 content includes:

  • The Witcher 3 GPU Benchmark.
  • The Witcher 3 Crash Fix Guide.
  • Witcher 3 benchmark course – max graphics at 4K.

The Witcher 3 Graphics Settings


The below screenshots are sourced from our Witcher video card benchmark. This is the entire collection of graphics settings within the Witcher.

Comparison Methodology

We used similar methodology to our GTA V texture comparison article. The Titan X was put to use for benchmarking.

For purposes of this graphics comparison, we took easily replicable steps on each texture resolution setting to ensure accuracy of results. All graphics settings were configured to their maximum value on the “graphics” tab with the exception of anti-aliasing (disabled), HairWorks (disabled), and AO (SSAO). Screen resolution was set to 4K for the screenshots, but benchmarks were taken at 1080p and 4K (only reporting on 1080).

We traveled to preselected locations and paused the game. Once here, we stood on designated “landmarks” and took the screenshots.

We face two issues with presentation of screenshots as data: They're massive, consuming large amounts of server bandwidth and greatly hindering page load time, and they're comparative, so we've got to find a way to show three shots at once. In order to mitigate the impact of each issue, we used a selection marquee of 546x330, selected a detailed portion of the 4K image, and then pasted it into the documents shown below. There is no scaling involved in this process.

Because file sizes were still an issue, we then scaled the finalized document into an 1100-width image, embedded below. Clicking on each image will bring up its native resolution in a new tab; no scaling occurred in the saving of these images. They're much larger images and will require longer to load.

GN Test Bench 2015NameCourtesy OfCost
Video CardNVIDIA$1000
CPUIntel i7-4790K CPU$340
Memory32GB 2133MHz HyperX Savage RAMKingston Tech.$300
MotherboardGigabyte Z97X Gaming G1GamersNexus$285
Power SupplyNZXT 1200W HALE90 V2NZXT$300
SSDHyperX Predator PCI-e SSDKingston Tech.TBD
CaseTop Deck Tech StationGamersNexus$250
CPU CoolerBe Quiet! Dark Rock 3Be Quiet!~$60

The Witcher 3 Texture Resolution Screenshots & Comparison

Click to enlarge. 2x resolution image here.

Click to enlarge. 2x resolution image here.

Click to enlarge. 2x resolution image here.

Click to enlarge. 2x resolution image here.

Click to enlarge. 2x resolution image here.

The difference is mostly inconsequential between “High” and “Ultra,” but the medium and low resolution textures present a sharp decline in visual fidelity. The nominal high/ultra disparity is backed-up by our benchmarks, which reflect the near-zero increase in quality.

The Witcher 3 Texture Quality VRAM Consumption

Ultra Low Witcher 3Ultra low witcher 3 gameplay

To best demonstrate VRAM consumption, we built a delta value chart over the “low” setting as a baseline (0). Note that VRAM consumption for texture quality at 1080 and 4K is the same, so the value does not scale with resolution (as other values will – like AA).

“Low” is used as our baseline (0MB consumed), with the other settings presented as deltas over low. The VRAM usage is in MB.

The VRAM consumption difference at the high-end is unnoticeable to the user. Over a span of five tests conducted for parity, we saw a 3MB-5MB VRAM value gain by switching to Ultra textures from High.

Moving from Low to Medium creates a ~68-73MB increase in VRAM consumption, which is still effectively unnoticeable insofar as memory used. The processing impact will be looked at separately.

Medium to High starts to create a more noticeable impact, which jumps from a total of ~68MB consumed to ~268MB consumed (~+200MB). Still, after subtracting for Windows and background processes (system and logging utilities), we never saw the Witcher 3 exceed ~1800MB of VRAM. This value might increase in certain areas of the game, but that's what it was for the starting village.

The Witcher 3 Texture Quality FPS Benchmark

Using the same test methodology as deployed in our Witcher 3 benchmark – we won't retype all of that here – we tested the Witcher 3 performance using various texture settings. The rest of the game's graphics settings were configured to their maximum value, with resolution locked to 1920x1080 (to reduce unrelated load, though 4K was also tested separately), AA disabled, HairWorks disabled, and SSAO enabled.

Performance was measured using FRAPS and analyzed with a spreadsheet. We tested for average FPS, 1% low FPS, and 0.1% low FPS (effectively the lowest 1% and 0.1% framerates, rather than using outlier minimum values).

FPS impact is marginal given the other settings. We'd suggest running Ultra or High, if you've got cycles to spare.

Conclusion: Texture Quality Impact to FPS is Unnoticeable


VRAM consumption isn't anything close to what we saw with GTA V, which exhibited ~800MB increases for higher texture qualities. At less than 300MB consumed for Ultra (relative consumption to low), unless VRAM is tight, it's easy to run the game with the highest texture quality settings. Our FPS benchmarks had to be conducted using additional passes to ensure parity of data given the tiny difference we were looking at, which further supports the usage of higher quality textures unless severely limited.

Witcher 3 Ultra Low Graphics

Visually, Ultra and High are fairly similar and tough to tell apart, but medium and low have a profound impact on graphics fidelity.

- Steve “Lelldorianx” Burke.

The Witcher 3 Game Review



Witcher 3 Sales Numbers

Hello. I have bought all of 3 games from steam (just finished the first game in which there was also a problem with the graphics that i managed to solve with the help from a mod on this forum) and now i have a problem with very low fps in game at any graphical settings. At ultra the max fps are around 60 and most times is around 15-27 and drops below 10 especially when i turn the camera. The problem is not that bad at lower settings - low and medium settings i have max 120 fps, most time 25-40 with many drops. As you understand it gets really frustrating and almost unplayable. My specs are Ryzen 5 3600 and Sapphire Pulse Rx 5700. i haven't used any mod or anything else, just the installation that steam did. Ubersampling is off. I searched a little around the internet and saw many other people with rx 5700s have similar problems, so i assume the fault is again at amds side. Is there a known fix about the issue or any idea-recomendation on how to solve it? I also checked Witcher 3 and it runs fine in ultra settings 70-90fps without any drops.

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